Kavya Ravichandran


Information and Coding Theory, TTIC, Winter 2025

I am the teaching assistant for the course, taught by Madhur Tulsiani. You can find the course materials here and my recitation notes below (updating ~weekly).

Students Who Code, Bessie Coleman Library, Winter 2023

Grace DiRisio, Anmol Kabra, Darren Liu, and I taught a 12-week computer science course from January to March 2023 for students in 2nd - 8th grade as part of the outreach efforts of TTIC.

Introduction to Machine Learning, TTIC, Winter 2022

I was a teaching assistant for the course, taught by Nati Srebro. Duties included designing homeworks (theoretical and coding), teaching recitations, and holding office hours.

Control System Design, MIT 6.302/6.320, Spring 2020

I was a teaching assistant for the course, taught by Jacob White. As the pandemic struck in March 2020, we fully virtualized this electrical engineering lab class. This effort involved creating take-home lab kits for each student (so doubling our initial supply of items, since previously students worked in pairs) and instituting enough office hours to help students virtually debug their setups and solve labs. Read more about our efforts here.

Introduction to Machine Learning, MIT 6.036, Fall 2019

I was a teaching assistant for the course, taught by Leslie Kaelbling. As part of this, I worked with Jacob Andreas to develop questions related to responsible and ethical use of artificial intelligence for the labs. You can find (CATSOOP versions of) the questions at this link.

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